Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's your biggest craving?

Cravings are our friend!
I know it sounds strange but it is our bodies way of speaking to us! It is telling us that we need something that it isn't getting. Though it seems like your body is craving, say, dorritos, its possible it wants something else -say, minerals which is something the body needs to work correctly to be healthy. Guess how much minerals dorritos has. Zero! It is very important to learn what our body is truly asking for.

Deciphering cravings can be tricky.
The world has so many strange chemicalized, unnatural foods that we feed our body when we crave something - but the trick is that that kind of food isn't really what your body is asking for!

Write your biggest craving here and I will respond with free advice in helping you decipher what your body is truly asking for!

What's YOUR biggest craving?

J. Leppin HHC
petite village nutirition


  1. crunchy, salty things like pretzels.

  2. Often times a craving for salt is our bodies way of asking for more minerals. You could consider having more Miso soup which has seaweed in it. Also leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach are critical for their mineral content. Do you like sushi? Sushi is wrapped in a nori wrapper which is a type of seaweed. For details on how to cook or prepare leafy greens go to my discussion board for a recipe!

  3. Seaweed salad is also a great way to incorporate more minerals in your diet. You can find it at any Japanese restaurant or food store. Try adding leafy greens and seaweeds once or twice a week or more and watch as it nourishes your body in a whole and complete way.

  4. The above addresses your salt craving. As for your interest in crunch, what are healthier alternatives for you? Brown Rice crackers with seaweed - those are delicious and have a little tamari - a type of soy sauce - which is salty. Sometimes I dip them in hummus! It's the best snack ever! Carrots, celery, apples, kale chips...all of these are ... See Morenatural ways to alter your craving. This way you'll begin to give your body what it really wants plus you can have your yummy, crunchy, salty snacks too!

  5. sweet, fatty foods like chocolate or dairy ice cream (and I am a vegan!).
