Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kale and White Wine - Yumm!!!!

1 bunch Lacinto Kale

1 Shallot, sliced, diced as you like

A splash or two of white wine

Boil some water meanwhile cut out ribs of kale and tear it in pieces. Put the kale in the boiling water and allow it to wilt slightly for 2 minutes. Brown the shallots with some olive oil and a little white wine. Drain the kale and then put it in the pan with the shallots. Let it cook down a bit and then EAT!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's your biggest craving?

Cravings are our friend!
I know it sounds strange but it is our bodies way of speaking to us! It is telling us that we need something that it isn't getting. Though it seems like your body is craving, say, dorritos, its possible it wants something else -say, minerals which is something the body needs to work correctly to be healthy. Guess how much minerals dorritos has. Zero! It is very important to learn what our body is truly asking for.

Deciphering cravings can be tricky.
The world has so many strange chemicalized, unnatural foods that we feed our body when we crave something - but the trick is that that kind of food isn't really what your body is asking for!

Write your biggest craving here and I will respond with free advice in helping you decipher what your body is truly asking for!

What's YOUR biggest craving?

J. Leppin HHC
petite village nutirition